20130820 합정역 메세나폴리스 김현중 팬사인회 – 김현중 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2. 20130725 KBS 연예가중계 <게릴라 데이트> : 김현중편 – 김현중 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2. 20130706 FC Avengers 잠실유수지공원 – 김형준 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2. 20130608 KHJ SHOW “Party People” 고려대학교 화정체육관 – 김현중 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2. 20130526 Dream with Korea Cup 동두천종합운동장 – 김현중 김형준 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2. 20130430 SBS 파워 FM 107.7 <김형준의 뮤직하이> 녹음 – 김형준 ※무단 배포 및 2차 수정을 금합니다※ ※Please, dont re-size & remove my logo. if you don’t do that, i will report!! If you find that this is not the case, please let me know.※ 2024. 4. 2.